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13 Sep 2019 Sugiharti, L., Purwono, R., Primanthi, M.R., Padilla, M.A.E., Indonesian productivity growth: Evidence from the manufacturing sector in Indonesia IJIMS has been indexed in SCOPUS since August 2017, ACI, Index Islamicus and more. IJIMS has been granted National Accredition (A) from Indonesian 10 Mar 2020 Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner. Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (IJAVS), JITV has been accepted by SCOPUS. Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia/Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy ( Indones J Clin Pharm, IJCP) (ISSN=2252-6218, e-ISSN=2337-5701) is a scientific After the publication of Biodiversitas vol. 15, no. 2, October 2014, furthermore, all manuscripts will be published online as soon as the revision is approved (no
3 Mei 2018 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Daftar Jurnal Scopus Indonesia. The Journal has been indexed in SCOPUS, Scimago Journal Ranks (SJR), Technology and Higher Education (Ristek Dikti), The Republic of Indonesia. This is also to realize our present goal to internationalize the journal, The Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, which is open for papers of geology, geophysics, 30 Sep 2018 Jurnal Dinamika Hukum is cited in the following SCOPUS indexed Kebebasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan di Indonesia, in Discourse and Scopus mengandung kurang lebih 22.000 judul dari 5.000 penerbit, 20.000 di antaranya merupakan jurnal tertelaah sejawat di bidang sains, teknik, kedokteran, 24 Jul 2019 BMEB menjadi jurnal ekonomi terindeks Scopus pertama dari Indonesia. Scopus adalah database jurnal-jurnal akademik terpilih dengan standar 3 Jun 2018 publikasi ilmiah terutama di jurnal internasional bereputasi selevel scopus, sehingga Indonesia berhasil menempati posisi publikasi ketiga di
31 Mei 2013 Sampai saat ini baru ada 9 Jurnal Indonesia yang telah terindeks di Scopus ( Sudah Peroleh Pengakuan sebagai Jurnal Internasional), yaitu :. 5 Mar 2018 Fenomena ini juga yang mendorong para asosiasi mulai mendirikan jurnal online khusus bidang keahlian tertentu. Sehingga pengajuan ISSN Jurnal Indonesia Terindeks SCOPUS: Daftar Lengkap ... Jurnal Indonesia yang telah terindeks SCOPUS sering dianggap sebagai jurnal yang berkualitas tinggi dan memiliki reputasi internasional. Sebelum melihat lebih jauh apa saja jurnal Indonesia yang muncul di indeks Scopus, tak ada salahnya bagi pembaca mengetahui tentang apa itu SCOPUS. SJR : Scientific Journal Rankings International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. International Journal of Technology. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences. International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems.
24 Jul 2019 BMEB menjadi jurnal ekonomi terindeks Scopus pertama dari Indonesia. Scopus adalah database jurnal-jurnal akademik terpilih dengan standar
13 Sep 2019 Sugiharti, L., Purwono, R., Primanthi, M.R., Padilla, M.A.E., Indonesian productivity growth: Evidence from the manufacturing sector in Indonesia IJIMS has been indexed in SCOPUS since August 2017, ACI, Index Islamicus and more. IJIMS has been granted National Accredition (A) from Indonesian 10 Mar 2020 Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner. Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (IJAVS), JITV has been accepted by SCOPUS. Jurnal Farmasi Klinik Indonesia/Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy ( Indones J Clin Pharm, IJCP) (ISSN=2252-6218, e-ISSN=2337-5701) is a scientific After the publication of Biodiversitas vol. 15, no. 2, October 2014, furthermore, all manuscripts will be published online as soon as the revision is approved (no The journal has been indexed in several international academic publication databases, e.g. Scholar Metrics, WorldCat, Science and Citation Index (Sinta), ERIC, and Scopus . Francisca Maria Ivone, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia